Contract Functionality
All Smart Chain contracts provide functionality to the contract owner(s), and / or are automatically initiated when specific conditions are met. It is of critical importance to understand what functionality a contract has, in order to understand what a cryptocurrency team can and cannot do once a smart contract has been launched. With the launch of $EARN POLY, the updated contract functionality will be as follows (below). Note that once $EARN BNB and $EARN ETH are migrated to their v2 versions, (Approx May 24, 2023), all $EARN token contracts will have the exact same functionality.
EverEarn $EARN tokens have a 15% tax applied to all buy and sell transactions. Of that 15%, 87% (13% of 15%) of the total tax value is used to support the token itself (11% Rewards, 1% Liquidity, 1% Buyback and Burn)...while only 13% (2% of 15%) is utilized to support the operation of the project.
Contract Functions
Ownership - Not Renounced. The EverEarn Team is actively engaged in growing and evolving the project, and some functionality is designed for security, while others are designed for future opportunity. Blacklist. This function allows the EverEarn Team to prevent a wallet from buying, selling or transferring $EARN tokens. This function is used in only two scenarios; 1) to lock project tokens while still able to access the rewards being generated for the purpose of operations. 2) to halt threat actors from harming the project or other holders - we also allow $EARN holders to request to have their wallets blacklisted as a service as a proactive security measure - in the future, this service will be available from a web interface Maximum Tax Lock. The maximum amount that taxes can be increased to, is 15%. The EverEarn Team has no ability to increase total taxes above 15%. This is a community safeguard feature, which guarantees taxes will never be greater than 15%. Minimum Reward Lock. The minimum amount of taxes that is applied to paying out holder rewards is locked at 11%. The EverEarn Team has no ability to decrease rewards below 11%. This is a community safeguard feature, which guarantees rewards will never be less than 11%. Contract Sell Amount. This function allows the EverEarn Team to adjust the number of tokens the $EARN contracts must collect from taxes, before the contract can initiate a sell for the purpose of tokenomics distribution. Contract Sell Cool-Down. This function allows the EverEarn Team to adjust the frequency between $EARN contract sells, in the event that the contract can sell multiple times in a row. A cool-down period for the contract sells prevent large price drops associated with the tokenomics distribution. Whitelisting. This function allows specific blockchain wallets to buy, sell and transfer $EARN tokens without being subject to tokenomics taxes. This is a critical function especially when moving tokens into or out of lockers, burning bought tokens, being able to host on Sell-Less DEXs, transferring tokens for the purpose of listing on CEXs or DEXs. NFT Contract Interaction. This function will allow for the possibility of NFTs to interact with the $EARN contracts. Transfer Blockchain Currency Out of Contract. This function allows for the recovery of cryptocurrency accidentally sent directly to the contract (Example; someone sends $1,000 directly to the $EARN contract from their wallet, instead of buying through a CEX or DEX. Without this function, that money would not be recoverable. Change Contract Wallets. This function allows for the changing of the Owner, Marketing, Liquidity Receiver and BuyBack wallets within the contract, at any point in the future. This is a security feature in the event that any of the current wallets ever become compromised. This is also a future feature for when the EverEarn project implements multi-signature safeguards. Change Reward Token. This function is another security feature designed to protect the longevity of the EverEarn project. If at any point in the future, the current Reward currency being paid out to holders faces uncertainty or even collapse, the EverEarn Team can switch the $EARN contract to pay out a different currency, in a matter of minutes. Max Wallet. While there currently is no max wallet in place, should the need arise to implement a max wallet amount, for the longevity of the project, the functionality to turn 'on' this feature exists, for the limiting of the maximum amount of $EARN tokens that could be held by a single wallet. External Revenue Injection. This function allows the EverEarn Team to directly move externally generated profits into the contract for direct distribution to $EARN holders as rewards, without creating additional contract selling. This function will be particularly critical in the future as EverEarn begins to launch development designed to create externally generated revenue.
Last updated