$EARN BNB Liquidity / Token Locks
$EARN BNB Liquidity and any Token Locks are hosted on Pinksale https://www.pinksale.finance/
Liquidity Locks
There are currently three Liquidity Locks for the $EARN BNB contract, and all are maintained to expire at the same time. The current Liquidity Locks can be viewed via the following links; https://www.pinksale.finance/pinklock/record/1045243?chain=BSC https://www.pinksale.finance/pinklock/record/1045245?chain=BSC https://www.pinksale.finance/pinklock/record/1045246?chain=BSC The current Liquidity Locks are set to expire within a time frame meant to line up with the migration to the new v2 contract, which brings in all of the new features introduced as part of the $EARN POLY contract launch. EverEarn generally extends Liquidity locks 1-3 months at a time, as EverEarn is looking to split its liquidity between BNB blckchain currnency and stablecoin currency. This will result in a much more stable price flow against flucuating prices of BNB alone.
Token Locks
Any $EARN tokens with no immediate use, thus set aside for future use, are locked on Pinksale as well. Generally, any locked tokens for future use are set to the same lock times as the liquidity, for ease of management of all locks. Important to note is that these locked tokens do NOT receive any rewards, and are excluded from the pool of $EARN tokens eligible to receive rewards. Basically, until these tokens are put into use, all holders receive a higher amount of rewards because these tokens ae excluded from the reward calculations while they are locked. The current Token Locks can be viewed via the following links; https://www.pinksale.finance/pinklock/record/1020846?chain=BSC https://www.pinksale.finance/pinklock/record/1020845?chain=BSC
Last updated