Each EverEarn token (BNB, ETH and POLY) begins with a total crypto-token supply of 100,000,000,000 (100 Billion) tokens. The supply immediately begins decrease after launch, by way of tokens being sent to the official 'DEAD' wallet (burned), making them inaccessible forever. The amount of total tokens burned for each $EARN token on each blockchain is maintained to be as close to the same number as possible. 11% REWARDS to all holders.* Every buy, sell, and transfer of $EARN, results in 11% being directly distributed back to holders.**
1% Liquidity Adding liquidity back into the token to ensure a more stable price floor and decrease the impact of selling.
1% Buyback + Burn The contract buys back tokens, which positively impacts valuation on the chart, and counters the impact of selling, as well as help soften market downturns.
2% Marketing Used to assist in paying for costs related to the operation of the project including, programmers, artists, development, marketing, moderators, et al. *After the migration of $EARN ETH to v2 (Approx May 24, 2023), $EARN on all blockchains will have the ability to change the currently offered Reward Cryptocurrency, to any other chain cryptocurrency, should the need arise. **After the migration of $EARN ETH to v2 (Approx May 24, 2023), taxes on $EARN token transfers will be eliminated on all blockchains.
Last updated